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View Full Version : Difference Between Wonderpus and Mimic Octopus

The Publisher
07-25-2010, 04:37 AM
Some friends of mine posted some photos of what is commonly thought to be a mimic octopus.

Many confuse this animal with another animal called a Wonderpus, or Wunderpus photogenicus and it is really easy to do so

Below is a photo series that shows a circular series of white markings that are clearly delineated from the surround darker tissue, which are the distinctive markings on a wonderpus. Also, the wonderpus has eyes that tend to be on elevated stalks.


07-28-2010, 04:24 PM
Wow, they are almost identical so I could see the confusion. Is that the only difference between them? Can they two mate?

The Publisher
07-30-2010, 12:47 AM
It would be called OctoMom

07-30-2010, 03:42 PM
It would be called OctoMom

I would only call them OctoMom if they were really really really ugly.


07-31-2010, 12:07 PM
Here's a webpage that might help too- it has side-by-side mimic and wunderpus photos


I've also attached a flyer describing our needs for pictures to support photo-ID work- we're collaborating with dive shops and photographers to monitor them in the wild.

Thanks in advance for your interest and potential contributions to our collective understanding of these amazing animals!

take care,

The Publisher
07-31-2010, 01:30 PM
Crissy, I saw that too when I was doing the initial research....that was a REALLY slick find, thanks for sharing it with all...

Great user name by the way, I got a good laugh out of it! :) I am into the wee critters too and am looking forward to testing out my new underwater tripod for the HD videocam and new +5 achromatic diopter.

08-05-2010, 09:02 PM
new underwater tripod for the HD videocam and new +5 achromatic diopter.

oooh! very nice!