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View Full Version : Hi from Mississippi

J.R. Ewing
01-29-2007, 03:44 PM
Hello everybody and thanks to iDiveChick for the invite. I live in Mississippi and love to dive, especially with my kids, and wife when she'll join us. We've been to the gulf, Florida rivers, Bonaire, Costa Rica and looking forward to going to many more places. Looking forward to making new friends here and having fun with y'all!

01-30-2007, 02:04 AM
Welcome JR!

Have some photos to share of those great dive locations?


01-30-2007, 06:32 AM
G'day and welcome aboard. I wish i could get my whole family diving with me. Ahh the silence with them all together at once would be deafening haha.


J.R. Ewing
02-01-2007, 01:35 PM
iDive Chick: Had rotten luck with underwater photography, digital camera and case was swept away by the currents off of Costa Rica...expensive lesson on having the right lanyard! I will post some lovely "on the boat" shots when I get a chance and I have the Manatee video to post when I figure out how to upload to youtube...lol

Zero: Thanks and nice to meet you! What I love are the "really big eyes" my kids get when they run into sharks, barracuda, cavern ceilings caving in, and the like. Last night one of my daughters was struggling to define "adventure" for a school essay...I told her "you've got to be kidding, just start writing about your diving exeriences, like being carried a mile from from the boat by strong currents with your scuba instructor and having whales swimming aroung you while we searched for you!" She's going to have a boring life after she leaves home I'm afraid ;)