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View Full Version : Hurricane Paloma and the Caymans

11-21-2008, 03:44 PM
I've been looking at the damage to the Cayman Islands following hurricane Paloma. It seems Grand Cayman was OK, Little Cayman suffered a lot of damage but Cayman Brac got hammered. I've seen reports of 90% of homes damaged and 1000 of the 1800 residents homeless at this time. Brac Reef Resort is currently closed, understandable, expecting to reopen early in '09.

I'm sure many of you have dived the Caymans or have plans to at some stage, so think of them during this very difficult time. There are opportunities to contribute to relief efforts through a couple of banks out there and I'm sure organisations like The Red Cross would welcome donations as they are hard at work on the islands.


I've dived out there at Brac Reef Resort and have a trip to Little Cayman scheduled for May. For those who haven't visited, I would highly recommend it, great people and superb diving. Why not plan on booking something for next year, they will need all the tourist revenue they can get as they rebuild.