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View Full Version : Peaking early?

08-08-2008, 10:28 PM
Hi kids...I'm Lawrence, in that hotbed of SCUBA known as Fresno, California. I have just been certified through SSI and then dived three times in Grand Cayman. My certification took place in the 54 degree waters of Monterey Bay, and Cayman was a little different. The water off The Wall at 100 feet down was 82, still fine for bare skin diving. My seventh dive was a night wreck dive, and my eighth was a 100 foot deep Wall dive. If there is a better place to dive than Cayman, I'd like to see it. Although, I must admit, diving Truk Lagoon is my ultimate goal...

A question, though: I felt my SSI instruction was very thorough, but I wonder if there is a consensus as to which of the organizations is the best? Or is it too dependant on the individual instructor?

The Publisher
08-09-2008, 01:12 AM

Welcome to the SMN Community.

To answer your question, just about all the top Asia dive destinations smokes the Caribbean.

There are certain interesting things nowhere to be found elsewhere than the Caribbean, but overall, there is no comparison. However, the Caribbean is noted for really good visibility, less common in some parts of Asia, but that is due to a bio-load in many Asian waters, something that supporters filter feeders and other plankton eating animals, which is why there are so many more soft corals in Asia.

08-09-2008, 05:49 PM
A question, though: I felt my SSI instruction was very thorough, but I wonder if there is a consensus as to which of the organizations is the best? Or is it too dependant on the individual instructor?

That is a debate that has been going on for a long time. It seems as though everyone has an opinion on this subject. I personally like NAUI. My wife is SSI certified. I really like the NAUI better, but bottom line is that we are both diving and doing safely. So I say, use whatever works for you. Individual instructors are a much more important part of the equation. A truly great instructor will not only teach you what you need to know, but will inspire you to continue learning about scuba.

I know the water there in Cali. is cold, but there is some great diving to be had right there.