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View Full Version : Vision dive boat loses rudder

The Publisher
08-05-2008, 03:06 AM
It is being reported that yesterday the Vision dive boat from Ventura lost its rudder and started taking on a little water.

As a precaution the Coast Guard took off the divers on the boat while the crew temporarily patched the leak. The crew then motored the passengerless boat back to the coast for repairs.

I have to think that having no rudders out in the open ocean on a dual engined dive boat can't be that bad as one can slightly steer by varying the throttles on the individual engines.

Anyway once again Truth Aquatics staff handled things like professionals.

08-05-2008, 04:35 PM
Yes, you can steer, but the rudder might have been hanging there causing it to turn or some other issue. If they were also taking on water, then it is something bigger than just a broken rudder.

I always tell the captains(right after they tell us where the life jackets are) that if the boat sinks while I am on it, then I get to be the first to dive it! They never find that funny!