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View Full Version : Finished diving??

07-25-2008, 04:21 PM
I finally managed to go diving for the first time in ages yesterday and it was so nice being back under the water. I've got a few more dives booked up for next week and TOH is coming with me as well...anyway, i'm digressing slightly from the point I wanted to make.

After I got back from my dive yesterday, TOH asked how it was and I said that I was going on monday afternoon. To cut a long story short, he said that he thought my diving was finished - I looked at him quizzically and said "not at all, I'll be doing this for as long as I can".

He's not the first person over here to say that to me, someone else said that once I finished my OW....

So is this just down to not understanding/knowing what diving is about.
Has anyone else been asked the same/similar type question before???

07-25-2008, 06:40 PM
Do these people mean that because you've done it once, that's it? Think how dull it would be if you took that approach to all the fun things in life. ;) Sounds like one of those times when you have to say "if I have to explain, you wouldn't understand!".

I intend to be diving as long as I can still breath, after that, just leave me down there! :D

07-25-2008, 07:41 PM
I intend to be diving as long as I can still breath, after that, just leave me down there! :D

That's what I am talking about. I have seen divers that were pushing 90 years old out on dive boats with us. It is not too common, but they are out there. All I have to say to them is "GO YOU!" Great job, I hope I can be doing the same thing when and if I ever get to that age.

07-26-2008, 02:47 AM
1st off who is this "TOH"? (The Other Half) and why doesn't he dive?

Besides I told everyone we had something between us (about 2000 miles)

All kidding aside, glad you are back in the water. It might have been an innocent question like they meant done for this week, or month. I still have relatives that don't get the water "thing".

07-26-2008, 04:25 PM
1st off who is this "TOH"? (The Other Half) and why doesn't he dive?
It might have been an innocent question like they meant done for this week, or month. I still have relatives that don't get the water "thing".

Yes, TOH = The Other Half and he doesn't dive as he can't swim (paddle, yes - swim, no)

I don't think it was asked as an innocent question, as i haven't been diving for 6 weeks....so i think his question was more down to some type of ignorance and not understanding what diving is all about. Think he'll be out of his depth (pun intended) when he comes with me on the boat on monday...

07-26-2008, 04:32 PM
Do these people mean that because you've done it once, that's it? Think how dull it would be if you took that approach to all the fun things in life. ;) Sounds like one of those times when you have to say "if I have to explain, you wouldn't understand!".

I intend to be diving as long as I can still breath, after that, just leave me down there! :D

I think you might be right with that - the other person (an aunt of mine, and not TOH), she was surprised when i told her I just been diving - which was a few days after i did my OW - and she said "Oh, I thought that was all finished"

Oh, well, that's life....just give me my scuba gear and lead me to the sea and i'll be happy as a pig in s*** :D

07-26-2008, 11:16 PM
Yes, TOH = The Other Half and he doesn't dive as he can't swim (paddle, yes - swim, no)

Oh poor Lottie, what are you doing with someone that can't swim? I think if this is serious you are going to have to get him some swimming lessons or something. I mean you guys do live on an island man........

07-27-2008, 02:30 AM
Oh poor Lottie, what are you doing with someone that can't swim? I think if this is serious you are going to have to get him some swimming lessons or something. I mean you guys do live on an island man........

I could probably teach him to swim, if he'll let me...i know we're surrounded by water, but you'd be surprised at the number of people here that can't swim!! (yeah, i know....)

Anyway as for TOH and me - he's got his hobbies and i've got mine..at least it gives me an excuse to have something to do without him being around ;)

07-27-2008, 02:50 PM
Well at least you have your priorities in line....

SO what are your other 1/2's hobbies and isn't he finished with those?

07-27-2008, 03:56 PM
Well at least you have your priorities in line....

SO what are your other 1/2's hobbies and isn't he finished with those?

Yea really.

You know what would be so funny? After you guys are finished having a little "adult fun" you should roll over and look at him and say "so are we finished?"

07-27-2008, 04:22 PM
Now that would be cold....

07-27-2008, 06:45 PM
Yea really.

You know what would be so funny? After you guys are finished having a little "adult fun" you should roll over and look at him and say "so are we finished?"

ROFL...oh, but that is cruel....very cruel infact......but funny, oh yes, but i couldn't do that to him..hmm..maybe...nah...

07-28-2008, 12:16 AM

I would love to see his reaction to that one.....:D:D:D

08-01-2008, 03:29 AM
I could probably teach him to swim, if he'll let me...i know we're surrounded by water, but you'd be surprised at the number of people here that can't swim!! (yeah, i know....)

Oh it's ok, he could still get his C-card from PADI:)