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06-05-2008, 03:30 AM
Here is a little more on the missing diver in South Florida.

A couple of things: 1. The multiple boats over a dive site is a HUGE issue
2. The lack of a sausage, signaling device, etc.
3. A little more preparation could have made a big difference!


The Publisher
06-05-2008, 04:58 AM
Interesting story.....I would think that if you have a decent volume BC, you couldn't survive for a couple of days if you weren't cold and the sharks didn't get you.

I am glad the ending was happy.

06-05-2008, 05:34 AM
Here is a little more on the missing diver in South Florida.

A couple of things: 1. The multiple boats over a dive site is a HUGE issue
2. The lack of a sausage, signaling device, etc.
3. A little more preparation could have made a big difference!


I must say, a sausage is a very inexpensive gear and should really be required gear for any boat dive. I bought a few last year and take them with me anywhere I dive from a boat. They only weigh a few ounces and pack VERY small.

Another thing, in NJ you would NEVER see another boat even remotely near a dive boat. When I was younger I was on a dive boat in NJ, another boat was heading right towards us (not on a collision course, but heading near enough) and we had divers in the water. Our Captain tried to call the other vessel on the VHF, but they did not respond. He also blasted the air horn, but the boat still was heading toward us. Finally our Captain went below and came out with a large gun. He fired a few warning shots across the bow of the other boat and suddenly the boat made a huge turn away from our boat. I was very shocked at what had happened, but the point is when a boat is flying a dive flag, STAY AWAY!

I also often dive in Florida, and have found that things are very different, and safety is not as much of an issue. I find this disturbing, but I also understand the conditions are very different. That being said, no matter what the conditions, boats should stay away from any divers. Last week we were diving in FL. My wife and I went down the anchor line and had one of the best dives to date. After the dive we followed the anchor line up to the boat, but I was shocked that our boat was not there. In fact there was another dive charter there. I thought at first, I must have been confused and came up the wrong anchor line, but how? And why would there be another anchor line? Was it dropped while I was diving? Quickly I was informed by someone on the mystery boat that my charter was on the other side, to swim around and they would pick me up. So what had happened is our Captain gave our anchor to the other dive boat (it was later returned) and was driving around us while we were diving. I was not pleased with this at all, but it was not the first time while diving in Florida that other boating activity was happening above us while we were doing our dive.

It really makes me wonder about how easy it is for someone to get their Captains license. My only guess is that in NJ it is cold and rough most of the time, it takes a tough individual to get out there every day in those conditions. I think the conditions also demand respect and safety.

In Florida on the other hand, the water is clear and the weather is sweet. Don't get me wrong there are some VERY bad days there as well, but on days when a FL charter calls off a dive, the NJ boats are out in the action. Being that the weather is so nice, I think everyone and their brother want to be a Captain, but they are really not true sailors!

This practice needs to stop! Anyone else have an opinion on this one?

06-05-2008, 04:35 PM
Firstly, I'm glad this guy was OK, whatever the reason, spending a night bobbing about in the ocean can't be much fun.

With regards to the crowds of boats on the site when he surfaced, anyone with any kind of commercial boating certification or license, even just boating experience, should know the meaning of a dive flag. However, when divers share the ocean with fishing charters and commercial fishermen there will be issues and conflict from time to time. Common sense by all and paying a little attention should minimize the risks for everyone.

Any underwater structure, wreck, reef, rock pile or whatever, attracts fish and other marine life, we know that and that's one of the reasons we dive there. Unfortunately, that's also the reason the fishing boats are in the same area.

Appropriately qualified captains should know better, I don't dispute some are much better than others, but they should all have gone through some level of training and certification. But ...... private boat owners don't need any training, license or certification to take their boat out whenever and wherever they choose. If you took a poll of the boat (or jet ski) owners in any marina in the world, I'll put money on the fact that most of them wouldn't know a dive flag from a doo-rag.

Every country in the world has some sort of official certification before you are allowed to drive a vehicle on the public roads, but as far as I am aware, none of them have any such regulations concerning water craft.

Thoughts anyone?

06-05-2008, 04:58 PM
Legislation has been put up several times regarding private vessels but it's been shot down every time. I believe it's going back up this summer for a vote. It's kind of a joke because people renting vessel will be able to take a 10-15 min (or so) quick course right before they rent which the rental agencies will be in charge of giving. The regular test would be online which again is kind of a joke but who knows.

06-05-2008, 07:01 PM
With regards to the crowds of boats on the site when he surfaced, anyone with any kind of commercial boating certification or license, even just boating experience, should know the meaning of a dive flag. However, when divers share the ocean with fishing charters and commercial fishermen there will be issues and conflict from time to time. Common sense by all and paying a little attention should minimize the risks for everyone.

I think you did not understand what I was saying. ALL of the boats that were motoring around above us during our dive were chartered DIVE boats. These dive boat captains SHOULD and are SUPPOSED to know that motoring around above divers (ESPECIALLY YOUR DIVERS) is not the proper way to do things. They supposedly have been trained.

06-05-2008, 07:07 PM
Legislation has been put up several times regarding private vessels but it's been shot down every time. I believe it's going back up this summer for a vote. It's kind of a joke because people renting vessel will be able to take a 10-15 min (or so) quick course right before they rent which the rental agencies will be in charge of giving. The regular test would be online which again is kind of a joke but who knows.

In some states you are now required to pass a safe boating class. Here in PA you need to pass one in order to operate a PWC (jet ski), but not a boat(yet). We also boat/dive in NJ and there you must have passed the safe boating class in order to operate any boat or PWC. The class is really too easy and is designed to get you passed as quickly as they can, but I really did learn a lot of things from the class. They do talk about dive flags and such, but they never really talked about how important it is to stay away.

While I don't like any more rules from big brother, this one seems to be a good idea. It only cost me $30 for the class and test, and it was worth it. This should be something that every boater needs, just like anyone that wants to drive a car needs a license.

06-05-2008, 07:53 PM
Ace, thanks, glad to hear some states are taking action to ensure people operating water craft have at least a basic level of knowledge.

As for the multiple boats comments, my apologies I did not make it clear I was referring to the situation with the lost diver rather than yours.

From the article:
"Scartozzi said he emerged early from a 95-foot deep reef dive to find himself about 75 yards away from his boat. A swarm of fishing boats had suddenly emerged on the reef and Scartozzi's friend and business partner, Clay Brandt, was trying to shoo them away so Scartozzi wouldn't get hurt."

But I agree, in your situation the dive boat operators should absolutely know better.

06-05-2008, 10:24 PM
Well that's a surprise about PA and the course. I think it's going up for the third time in CA. It was my impression that it would be an online test that was free, maybe not since you had to pay in PA.

06-05-2008, 11:38 PM
Well that's a surprise about PA and the course. I think it's going up for the third time in CA. It was my impression that it would be an online test that was free, maybe not since you had to pay in PA.

It was online, and the cost was $20 for the test and $10 for the card. You can take the class online for free though, so even if someone does not need to have the card, you can still get the info. for free.

Here is the link if anyone needs it:


06-05-2008, 11:40 PM
....was trying to shoo them away so Scartozzi wouldn't get hurt."

Now I can see how useful a gun would be on a boat. As stated before a few shots across the bow will really work when shooing them away does not work!

06-06-2008, 08:40 AM
and DAN wonder why all the death by boats occor.
IMHO this should be strongly enforced
a person that does not know the meanin of a dive/alpha flag should not be allowed to pilot a boat and those that do have the license and training should be banned and imprisoned for atempted killing.
same in my eyes.