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View Full Version : Diving in Iran?

Papa Bear
04-30-2008, 11:31 PM
I was on another board that I really don't like much, but it is entertaining sometimes, as well as unfair! They seem to have a big chip on their shoulders? Anyway a new poster was asking people to come to Iran and dive! I commented that I didn't feel it would be safe or worth the trip! My post was removed and I was warned! Next I posted that a businessman had disappeared from the Island where the diving was and like him my post disappeared! I was nor being political at all, just factual! Why anyone would support diving in a country where if your Jews diver, Christian Diver, Finish Diver, or the like you are hated? Where the rouge government is seeking Nuclear Weapons in order to destroy a country is beyond me?!!! Where the board by its censorship is supporting a country that denies the Holocaust by deleting concerned questions in what should be an open dialog?!!! I would tell you that if you support a country that is killing Americans in the streets of Iraq with IUD's then people need to go to that post and ask these questions until they remove the thread or ban us all! I is just wrong! I will not dive in Ecuador because of their mismanagement of Galapagos and treatment of tourists or Cuba for obvious reasons! We should all stand up to make diving responsible not just to the reef, but to recourses, and People!

Screw that other board! Am I wrong?

05-01-2008, 01:36 AM
You need to tell us what other board you are speaking of. If they block you there, then you should feel free to speak your mind here.

Papa Bear
05-01-2008, 01:56 AM
SCUBA Board the big bullies on the web! :rolleyes: The PC there is nuts, unless your one of the good old boys! :mad: After all they would rather embrace the Western Worlds sworn enemies in order to grow the board than have a moral conscience and tell a Iranian dive operation "Fine when your country joins the world"! Stops treating it's woman like camels or donkeys and can assure divers safety! Allow Jews to live in peace and stop supplying insurgents with IUD's that kill Americans, then I would consider dipping into their polluted waters!:p

The Publisher
05-01-2008, 03:51 AM
So Iran is now manufacturing deadly intra-uterine devices? The copper T or the coil? ;)

Seriously though, we avoid commenting on other boards so as to take the high road.

We also try to steer clear of politics here too....not that we disagree with some of the contentions, it's just we've issued a Fatwa and now wage Jihad on religious or political posts ;)

Papa Bear
05-01-2008, 04:59 AM
I agree, but that's my point I am not basing or pushing my opinion on Politics, but reality! Businessman disappears=safety issue! Country is openly hostile to Westerners=safety issue that should be discussed on open forum to promote change and understanding! Nearest DAN facility=Diver safety again! Not patronizing locations that support genocide and murder morally right and justified! Supporting the Troops is not just lip service to an idea! We should be able to address these questions to a dive operator that I am going to entrust my life and dollars to! How will I and My Female companions be treated? We have very few hours underwater compared to the time we are above it! So I want to trust the operator to keep me safe and know I am not supporting someone who would rather see me dead!

These are not "Political questions" there issue's that are important me and anyone who would be asked to travel to the enemies backyard and give them more American Dollars! The Idea that you can bash the Japanese for whale hunting on that board yet are deleted for asking the above is hypocritical and un-Western at best and treason at worst!

Papa Bear
05-01-2008, 05:16 AM
The best example I can think of is Fiji! Where you are welcomed like family and your time above water is as good as it gets! Beautiful genuine people who are not waging war on anyone or treating death to a race of people or someone who doesn't think or worship like them! Funny how things can come full circle from Cannibals to inviting everyone to diner and you're never the meal!

05-02-2008, 10:15 PM
Whether the country hosting dive travelers will treat foreigners properly is certainly appropriate discussion.

Papa Bear
05-03-2008, 02:19 AM
Thank you, that was my point! You can't support a government that threatens you and your way of life and then go as if all was great just to dive a few hours and leave behind money that will come back to bite you later! We might not want to believe we are in a war for our way of life, but then WE don't have too if they know they're at war with us! Everyone should read the book by the Prosecutor of the Blind Sheik who was responsible for the 1993 of the WTC. Then you might figure out what we face in the future! :eek: :( :mad:

05-03-2008, 01:30 PM
What a bunch of *** coming out there. Have you been to the Diving sites in Iran? I guess not. Then you dont know what you are talking. Let me guess you heard something from someone. Fox News perhaps?

05-03-2008, 02:06 PM
Um, let's keep things from getting personal here......challenge ideas, not members directly. Thanks!

05-03-2008, 02:11 PM
This person is simply spreading lies that are not true. Add to that his posts are politically colored. He is mixing two topics.

I suggest he moves his post in regard to politics to the 'political' / 'chat' / 'dive irrelevant' section and talks about the disappearance of the diver or how divers are treated here.

We come here to have fun and not to discuss political opinions.