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View Full Version : New Dive series pilot finished!

Papa Bear
03-24-2008, 04:29 AM
Okay, I have finished our pilot about diving requested by the ********Cable network, although their acceptance of it is not assured, it gets submitted tomorrow! It will be, if picked up, a weekly series in HD! Being a "Reality based" show and we used the divers at Anthony Wiley's SCUBA Locker in Riverside CA. If the series goes we will continue to use the shops divers and the shops as our location! Those that dive and travel with them will be the stars! :D

We also have plans to put the series up on the web at scubalocker.tv (http://www.scubalocker.tv)
This has take almost a year and it was just finished today! When you work for yourself who gets a day off? :eek: I hope we can count on all of our diver friends to support our show? It is a dive show for divers, their families, and anyone who loves adventure, travel, fun, and even some drama!

03-24-2008, 04:47 AM
I'll watch for it, keep us posted.

There's nothing like the feeling of a project maturing before your eyes. Makes all the lomg nights seem worth it.:)

Congrats !!!

03-24-2008, 04:55 AM
Congrats on completing the project PB!

Papa Bear
03-24-2008, 05:01 AM
I am in the process of uploading the show to our web site, I will let everyone know so you can be brutal on me! I have beaten myself up more than a few times on direction, is it good enough, and all the misgiving's one has when exposing your work to the public! So I hope you all like it! And thanks! Remember this is to pitch the idea we are hopping to make it more involved as we go!

Papa Bear
03-24-2008, 05:53 AM
Okay letter rip its up at http://www.twotankedproductions.com/whatwedo/specialprojects.html

Jon Shaw
03-24-2008, 09:41 PM
Good luck with the project mate. Fingers crossed for you.


Papa Bear
03-26-2008, 02:53 PM
Thanks everyone we have been getting some good feed back and we hope YOU will take the time and add yours! We want to hear your thoughts so when we go into production YOUR ideas might be right there for you and your friends to see! The pilot is a concept productions and we are fine tuning all of it!

03-26-2008, 06:31 PM
I really like the video, but I do have some suggestions and comments.

My one suggestion is to reduce the treble a bit, the video sounds "tinny" if you know what I mean.

My comment is that it really looks and feels more like a home video / dive shop ad rather than a TV show. Not that that is a bad thing at all, I was just expecting a regular TV style show....maybe more along the lines of Deep Sea detectives. Maybe a better introduction to the characters and some statistics about them, and some particular subject for each show. For example, in one episode would be about shark diving, and another on ice diving, etc.

The other thing is the clarity of the video, but I am sure that is just an issue of file size and hosting space. Is there a DVD quality version?

Keep us posted, of course we all hope this works out and they like your pilot!

Papa Bear
03-26-2008, 08:57 PM
Thanks, I understand all the things you addressed. The Tinny sound is the MWA @365kbs it converts Dolby into MP-3 for the web post! Big difference and the same for the quality. It was shot in 1080i and the dvd looks and sounds way different. I would have used stage6 but they closed down! The reality part of it is the home movie look I guess? It is mostly A camera with very little B-roll. That will come with production I hope! This is a concept pilot and we want people to want more character development to tune in and find out more about all these people and more!

Sorry for the technical issues I should have made that clearer? The idea is a cross between Travelogue, SCUBA Show, and a Reality Adventure! Very little scripting and real life adventure in and on the ocean!

But I want what you gave me! It helps to see how others see it!

03-27-2008, 12:15 AM
I am glad I could be of help. I would love to see it in all of it's glory. I know a regular DVD is not HD, but if I sent you a blank DVD would you be willing to make me a copy?

Do you plan on doing all of the shows from California and out of the same dive shop or will the shows be something that takes place around the world and different dive shops?

Papa Bear
03-27-2008, 02:46 AM
PM me and give me an address I will shot you one! It we hope we might do spin offs like "Ink" and it is shot all over the world! We will be doing Cave stuff, wrecks, and all kinds of cool stuff in the future, but that will depend on budget! I am putting some of your suggestions to work now, I am squeezing a 528kbs 480x320 version for the net, but I think the sound will still be MP-3! But I am going to see if I can make it a little bigger? Anyway in the newer version I also put some tid-bits of info on a few of the folks!

03-27-2008, 07:17 AM
after having to download quick time I finally got to see it. It wasn't really what I expected untill the very end. It seemed more like a good sales pitch for a trip but I guess that's the market you're aiming for. I'd stick more to the blue planet feel but that just what I like or even just put a little more underwater video because isn't that the whole point to diving?:) Good Luck!!

Papa Bear
03-27-2008, 02:56 PM
I understand, It is hard being all things to all people! If you watch "Ink" or "Orange County Choppers" you don't see much of the tattooing or bike building, you see the people involved..... We will have more, but in the concept we are trying not to be another dive show, it maybe a lot like me! Hard to get, but once you do;) But I thank you this is what I want to hear!

03-27-2008, 05:58 PM
I understand completely. I started to think about your show and then thought about OCC . It is the same principal, but with scuba. It worked for them, it worked for the INK folks, so why not for divers?

I am sure all of the divers around would watch, but the real question is can it be appealing to non divers? And that is where the characters come in, just like any show you have to like watching the characters.

I will send you a PM, thanks!

03-27-2008, 07:05 PM
As long as you have some true "characters" that are appealing to the general public it should go over well. Again it's all about the audience you are trying to attract. I know someone else said add more info about the different characters, maybe eliminate a few and give more attention to the others. To me, it just seems like some of them come and go and you don't really see who they are. I know it's just a pilot so you're just tossing it out there to see if someting or someone bites. Again GOOD LUCK:)

Papa Bear
03-27-2008, 09:17 PM
I updated on some of your suggestions: http://twotankedproductions.com/scubalockertv.html

So here is the updated!

Papa Bear
03-27-2008, 09:23 PM
If you want to know who will be in the series take a look at the (Cast & Crew) cast of Characters and remember we will be adding more from the pool of people who dive at the shop or frequent it! http://twotankedproductions.com/castcrew/deberabrethauerdiver.html

Papa Bear
03-28-2008, 02:24 AM
We spent a year putting footage in the can all over the globe. We even have cave diving action in a sacred cave in Fiji that no one has ever dived. So we have some good stuff and some great personalities. We have a fellow named George who belonged to the biker gang the "Mongols". He walk into the shop one day in his biker garb and asked about diving. It took him two times to pass the class. He was freaked out about the open water part! He is now getting really comfortable in the water and went with us to Fiji for a week of diving and stayed to help with the cave section. He was training for ultimate cage fighting last year when we took him to the T & C's for 10 days of diving and shooting. I had invited a friend of mine named "Allison" who has a PHD and is an executive editor of a financial news paper on wall street. She loves diving and is quite good. Well we buddied them up the "Biker & Financial Editor" and low and behold love at first dive. They are engaged to be married in New York August 2nd 2008. You can't write that kind of stuff. No one would believe it! If this thing goes it will be one of the stories we tell as part of our reality.

Papa Bear
03-28-2008, 03:02 PM
Okay, I have to already post an apology to our friend "Ann-Margreth Frei" She skated for the Sweden being their national champion during two winter Olympics in the 1960's! She is a great SCUBA diver and I forget her past life and think of her as a diver! With 16 years with the Ice Capades one would think I would have caught one or two? Ann-Margreth is also an amazing sailer, I have seen here stand on the deck of a sail boat and stretch by touching her lower leg to her forehead while standing!!!! Also on a pitching deck in rough seas standing steady while everyone else got pitched to their "Hold on to something" position! I will correct the mistake as soon as I can! Again sorry to all our Swedish friends and Ann-Margerth!

Papa Bear
03-29-2008, 03:45 PM
An interesting side not! Even though everyone says they want a series look at the numbers of views on my announcement! 200 plus in 6 days! That is the problem, do people really want a dive show? Not so sure?

Papa Bear
04-06-2008, 07:45 PM
Didn't work:(

Papa Bear
04-07-2008, 04:52 PM
I am looking forward to the site being Vimeo friendly! I tried to post the Video direct to no avail, but they say it is coming! http://twotankedproductions.com/scubalockertv.html
Direct link to full screen play! :D

Papa Bear
05-12-2008, 03:10 PM
Okay here is the embedded finished episode:


05-12-2008, 05:05 PM
VERY NICE! It looked much better than what we originally saw. There are still spelling mistakes that need to be addressed, but I am impressed with what you have done.

Hopefully it works out and you get picked up. Of course then we will all want to go diving with you, so be prepared! LOL :D

05-12-2008, 08:49 PM
I agree with ace this is much better it doesn't look like a home video diary like the other one. But there were a few very minor errors that I noticed probably only because I was looking after ace said something.

Papa Bear
05-12-2008, 10:05 PM
Thanks, remember the first was concept and not intended to be an episode type deal! The newest one will be more like what will be produced, but not all the way the other way, we were asked to do the second one for another reason. We will find the real deal somewhere in between with more reality and more specific in some ways like a OWC, or a Local Clean up, and yes world trips with all the pressures and folly! We are trying to find an entertaining nitch that will have new was of looking at "The same old thing"!