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View Full Version : Hi you all I'm writing a book .........

shahaf dori
02-28-2008, 07:29 AM
My book is about
all around the world dive stories.
different divers from differnt countrys,
& not just med sea storys.
the title of the book is ,
" dive for peas in from the med sea "
so i nead different storys not just med sea storys
my emal is
if you want your picture above your story send it also.
above all stories will be credited to the writer & is land flag.
Thank you! all in advance

02-28-2008, 10:53 PM
" dive for peas in from the med sea "

I seriously can't resist asking - but i didn't think you could find peas in the sea? Well, I suppose you might if you had a P-Value

Oh, the joys of the english language ;):cool: