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View Full Version : Diving in South East Asia

02-15-2008, 09:36 AM
Hi everyone,

I am thinking of diving in South East Asia this coming August 2008.
Considering the monsoon season, are there any dive locations anyone can recommend in this region?

Please help....

02-18-2008, 04:55 AM
You are referring to the summer Southwest monsoon that classically effects India, West Coast of Thailand and neighboring countries.

It does not mean there are NO places in Asia you can dive. In August North Sulawesi, Indonesia is in the middle of its dry season (OK, it can rain, but it is relatively dry) which is April-October roughly. In fact July-August is the busiest season for North Sulawesi (Bunaken and Lembeh Islands) because of the good weather and long European holidays in the summer.

Look at web sites for the countries that may interest you.

02-18-2008, 03:32 PM
Buy trip insurance & make sure it covers delays by monsoons & best to keep away from the Phillipines if your schedule isn't that flexible. Poor Phillipines tends to get hit worst & most often of the SE Asian countries. I love the Phillipines, but August isn't a good time.

Try day trips & shore diving so you won't be stuck on a liveaboard in choppy seas or have your entire trip cancelled.

BTW where in Asia will you be?

02-21-2008, 12:51 PM
People often think "monsoon = rain". Not strictly true. Actually "monsoon = wind".

The monsoon refers to a prevailing wind pattern that affects weather and sea conditions. Wind generally carries clouds along with it, and these clouds drop their rain when they meet an obstacle like a land mass. Here on the western coast of Thailand our principal diving season is in the winter because that is the time the monsoon blows from the northeast. The land mass of Asia and the peninsula of Thailand protect our waters from the brunt of the wind, and the rain falls elsewhere. The water is flat during the winter and the skies are sunny.

On the other hand, when the monsoon blows from the southwest, as it does in August, sea conditions in the open ocean can make getting to dive sites like the Similan Islands a rough trip because the wind kicks up waves on the surface. If you can get to the islands, it's perfectly possible to dive on the leeward (eastern) sides without a problem.

During the monsoon season on Phuket, it can rain torrentially, but the rain is typically over in a short time and the sun comes back out. We often go for days or even a couple of weeks with no/little rain, but still with prevailing winds coming in over the water. In a very rainy month, it may rain a 30 or 40% of the days, and even on a very rainy day of a rainy month the rain will fall on and off throughout the day.

We dive year round from Phuket, visiting sheltered dive sites that are to the south and east of Phuket, towards the mainland, if Thailand is of any interest to you. It's a nice time to visit (unless you have your heart set on a Similans trip) because hotels and guesthouses are MUCH cheaper and the boats are not packed with divers as they are during the high season.

If you want to go somewhere where it is dry season in August, I second the recommendation of Indonesia. Most of it is sheltered from the southwest monsoon. Bali is a nice choice with easy access, great diving, and wonderful topside adventures as well. If you go in August you might even spot the amazing mola-mola that congregate there in late summer/early autumn.

02-26-2008, 01:03 AM
wow...thanks guys for all of your replies...
looks like Phillippines is out for me in August then.... right, i will would most likely switch to Indonesia....

Bali sounds like a great choice.... besides diving... could check out the tourist attractions there too.... heard the Bali is a beautiful place with very rich culture :)