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View Full Version : How to swim [efficiently] with fins.

02-04-2008, 10:04 PM
Just like in swimming, there are different styles of finning in the water. & each style has a specific purpose. For beginners (& many "experienced" divers), these may not be obvious or intuitive, resulting in slit-outs & a very tired/frustrated diver. For example, in swimming, the Crawl/Backstroke is not simply pinwheeling your arms, although that does eventually but not efficiently get you where you want to.

So instructors/gurus, please share your wisdom on what these different styles are, proper finning techniques and where & when to use them. [Scissor kick, frog kick, sculling, flutter etc]

06-02-2011, 06:50 AM
Swim fins help swimmers travel through the water. They vary according to function and sport. Swim fins can be used in the pool or or other water for exercise and speed.

The Publisher
06-03-2011, 01:48 AM
Max, as a new poster, your signature line link is misleading. This is unfortunate, as the site it takes one to is VERY important and newsworthy to us divers and any nature lover.

As an example, in the online responses to the free Lolita website, some guy wrote a VERY compelling argument about how most captive orcas can be safely released back to the wild.

May I suggest you all write a story or repost something in the ecology, solicitations and just causes section?

And more people here would click on your signature line if they knew what it was about: a great cause!