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View Full Version : HD Interview with Bill Stone & Richard Pyle on Cis-Lunar Mark 6

The Publisher
12-02-2007, 08:50 PM
Below is the HDV video exclusive interview between myself and Dr. Bill Stone of Cis-Lunar Developmental Laboratories and Dr. Richard Pyle who worked with Dr. Stone and the Poseidon /DP Scandinavia Team on the development of the Cis-Lunar Mark VI Discovery.

The interview has them both explaining the flawed logic of what we've all been brought up on, 3 cell voting logic, and the superiority of real time constant cell validation using just 2 cells.

Also shown in the video is the hydrophobic scrubber for the Discovery that was also designed to handle Lithium hydroxide, and then you hear the plan for a tech version, which although not in the interview, will have two heads for redundancy. Both Stone and Pyle repeatedly state that they would not have become involved had there not been a plan for a tech version.

In the interview is also a discussion of auto-vortex generation to present a swirl of gas to the sensor face as the logical conclusion of the manual gas puffer on the Mark VP.

The unit shown was a pre-production prototype, although in this Cis-Lunar subforum you will find photos of the final production unit along with all the changes.


What do you all think of the unit and the cell technology? The BOV is REALLY light by the way, and it has the DIVA embedded in the top as the vibrating HUD.

10-08-2008, 11:51 AM
I cant view the video for some reason. I downloaded Quicktime, etc etc. It wont load up...can you post it as a .wmv or .avi?


The Publisher
10-08-2008, 02:51 PM

Yesterday we reorganized the file folders the videos are held in which changed the url, so it required we relink it which I just did this morning, so try again, let me know if you still cannot view it.

10-10-2008, 02:23 PM
Is there a downloadable version? I've tried to watch it a few times and between it stopping every 30 seconds to 1 minute and not getting past about halfway before it stops and wants to restart, it's a bit frustrating. A downloadable would definitely help.


The Publisher
10-10-2008, 02:39 PM
Hello Giff,

The best thing is to let it load in its entirety before letting it start to play. I am on a Mac and it works flawlessly after a 1 minute initial buffer, but if you're on a PC that doesn't help you much. I don't know what it is like to have Quicktime for Windows and to stream it on a PC.

The problem with a downloadable version is it removes the proprietary nature of it all as we've had our share of proprietary photos taken here and posted on other boards.

I will ask this weekend when we sit down again with the video people if we can output a Windows WMV player version and see if that works better for the Windows guys.

It is my understanding the unit does note use voting logic, the 2nd cell is there in the event that the computer determines that the cell is no longer calibrating and validating to pre-established parameters.

If any of you have specific questions about the unit and its design, post them here, and we will get answers for you from the designers.

10-11-2008, 05:51 PM
Below is the HDV video exclusive interview between myself and Dr. Bill Stone of Cis-Lunar Developmental Laboratories and Dr. Richard Pyle who worked with Dr. Stone and the Poseidon /DP Scandinavia Team on the development of the Cis-Lunar Mark VI Discovery.

Thanks for providing the video.

It is captivating to hear living legends explain what the do and why they do it.

The Publisher
10-11-2008, 10:05 PM

I agree, these guys are rocket scientists, and in the case of Stone, considering he designs amongst other things autonomous space exploration vehicles, it is a little more true.

Dr. Stone told me that they had originally told DP Scandinavia engineers the Mark 6 would continue to use the traditional voting logic of 3 cells, and the engineers, who had never worked on CCR design said: "Why?. They suggested the cell be tested constantly against known mathematical parameters. That had never been done, and Stone said it was the fact that they had no preconcieved CCR engineering notions that allowed them to look at design engineering objectively.

It is also my understanding that Barry Coleman of RAID worked extensively on the Mark 6 DSV/BOV which incorporates an integral Poseidon 2ng stage.

10-15-2008, 07:06 PM
Where did that video sneak off to? :confused:

The Publisher
10-15-2008, 08:46 PM
Good question, but it is back now....we just upgraded the forum software last night. I re-insterted the url....am glad I saved the link!

02-08-2009, 10:44 PM
Sunday 8th Feb. Using Win XP Pro. Vid stops after about 30 secs and seems to lock up.

I'll try leaving the link open for a few minutes to see if my PC is buffering data and will run the clip again.

The Publisher
02-08-2009, 11:09 PM
Finless, it is a Quicktime video, so try downloading Quicktime for Windows (http://www.download.com/QuickTime/3000-2139_4-10002208.html), which is free.

02-09-2009, 11:13 AM
Finless, it is a Quicktime video, so try downloading Quicktime for Windows (http://www.download.com/QuickTime/3000-2139_4-10002208.html), which is free.

Already got it.

I just tried to view the clip on my work PC (which has no sound) and I was given the option to download the file?

Anyway, next time I'm on my home PC I'll search for upgrades or reinstall the programme and see how I get on then.

Thanks for your reply.

02-10-2009, 10:18 PM
Just downloaded Quicktime and still no luck?

06-12-2012, 09:12 AM
you will find photos of the final production unit along with all the changes......

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