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View Full Version : Emergency Actions Plans

12-02-2007, 12:04 PM
I have to do an emergency action plan for when I finish my rescue course on thursday.

I did make an attempt at doing one for the other week, but the instructor said that the plan is for when the victim/patient is up on the shore (as the site is a shore dive and not a boat dive) and what steps need to be taken from then onwards. He also mentioned that it should be geared towards anyone (not just people who have done rescue training).

So, how much detail should you put in an emergency action plan?? The manual doesn't come across as being that helpful as it doesn't give much information as to what should be included, just headings and salient points.

Any help would be greatly appreciated


12-03-2007, 09:29 AM
What I can remember is you need
- Emergency numbers (hospital, DAN, police etc)
- Script of what to say when calling (dive site location)
- Map with direction to the hospital with the fastest and direct route
- Information which will help medical staff like the patients name,
Signs/symptoms, first aid procedures initiated, dive profile and any other
Info you think may help medical staff such as patient medical history
(If known)

I hope this helped, but what my guy told me was to keep it simple and easy to read

12-04-2007, 11:37 AM
Thanks Doogs, that's helped me out.

Is a map necessary? Nothing has been mentioned about including one and I haven't read anything about that in the manual either?

12-05-2007, 12:15 AM
i had to do one but maybe that was just my dive shop, i was told to pick local dive spot and do a map, just ask