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View Full Version : Table or Computers?

11-06-2007, 08:58 PM
Thought I'd do a quick poll and see whether you use the standard dive tables (nitrox, wheel, normal one) or whether you use just a dive computer, or even both.

11-06-2007, 11:53 PM
Well my computer has been in the shop for a month just got word it got replaced, and I haven't really missed it too much. Even if you are diving with a computer you should know the tables because technology isn't always reliable. So I'd rather have a computer just because it's nicer but I'm fine without one too.

rubber chicken
11-07-2007, 08:16 AM
Always dive with my computer, but I carry tables in my pocket and ,helping out with a lot of OW courses as I do, I feel that I'm pretty proficient with them.
However, if my computer stuffs up mid dive, then although i have a redundant dive timer - a watch, which I always set- I don't have a redundant depth gauge :o . Most dives, which are on known sites that I've dived more than a few times, this is not a problem but I'll have to add one to my xmas list and hope that Santa provides :) Cheers Lottie for the thread and reminding me of more kit that I need :D (although I doubt that my wife will see it the same way :rolleyes: )

11-07-2007, 05:26 PM
I use a Suunto Vyper which is great for general diving, but the last few years I have been attempting deco dives and I find it doesn't handle these very well (although I understand the latest version of the Vyper incorporates deep stops and such). In those cases I have been using tables. I have tried software programs like GAP and V-Planner ... so in a sense that is diving with a "computer" too.

11-07-2007, 07:04 PM
All my dives are done with custom dive tables. As one goes into deco, using tri-mix, custom dive tables with all the deco stops noted and the various gas switches, a computer is not an asset. On the other hand two bottom timers are a must. If you can get one that gives the average depth, then you have hit the jackpot!!!