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View Full Version : Introduction

10-26-2007, 03:42 PM
For those who may have missed the announcement, I'm the new Underwater Video Forum moderator here on Scubamagazine.net.

I've published UWDV.COM (http://www.uwdv.com) single handedly for the past 4 years. The forums have been pretty quiet anymore as there are other forums with more traffic than what my site was generating so I'm shutting down those forums and will be redirecting those forum members over here.

I hope I can answer any questions you might have about shooting video underwater as I specialize in working as a Solo Video Journalist or as a mentor of mine stated, an "Immersive Video Journalist". I specialize in developing video projects, shooting, editing, scoring, narrating and rendering out for clients and self generated projects - preferably while freediving. My site, bluprojekt (http://www.bluprojekt.com), gives a rundown on what do and my philosophy on why.

Looking forward to seeing this part of the forums becoming more active in the near future.

Safe diving,

10-26-2007, 04:57 PM
Welcome, pstt, don't look the other mods in the eyes, they don't like it...