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View Full Version : Greetings From St. Vincent and the Grenadines

10-10-2007, 07:14 PM
Just found you folks, looks like a lot of useful stuff for me to read!

I own Indigo Dive, based on St. Vincent in the West Indies. Happy to provide any info that you might be interested in relating to the island, the diving (which is lovely by the way!) getting aroundthe Caribbean, or any thing that I can assist with that would encourage visitors to come to our little piece of paradise!

Looking forward to getting to know you.

All the best,

Kay Wilson,
Indigo Dive

PS My face book has lots of pictures etc

10-10-2007, 10:20 PM
Hello kay, welcome to the SMN Community!

12-14-2007, 11:28 AM
Hi Kay,

I too have just found this site - wish I had sooner would be nice to communicate with other like minded people and make some new friends! :)

Gosh St Vincent and the Grenadines - what a FAB place to live - I'm really envious! I'm in England and it is a cold, grey winter's day! Could you send us some sunshine? I have never visited your part of paradise - we have been to Jamaica (3 times), Barbados, Mexico (3 times), the Bahamas and my favourite place the Maldives (twice) in the Indian Ocean. Trouble is they are all so far away from England and so expensive to visit :(

I would love to live in a hot country and dive every day - oh heaven!!! Are you an instructor or do you actually own a dive operation there? I have often thought that I would like to become a dive instructor - it must be great introducing people to scuba. Although, I have a friend who worked as an instructor on Meru in the Maldives and she has given it because she said her hobby had seized to be enjoyable as she was at the whim of customers the whole time! LOL What is it like to live in the Grenadines? I would be really interested to hear about it and the diving out there.

Best wishes