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View Full Version : pistol shrimp cocks claw like a sonic weapon

08-20-2007, 12:32 PM

08-21-2007, 03:05 AM
that's astonishing ... wild west in the shrimp world ...!

08-21-2007, 04:20 AM
Direct links to YouTube don't work here (it's a banned site), but I know Sarah reposted a YouTube clip that didn't require going to the YouTube URL... maybe you could try that? You've got me so curious ;)

08-21-2007, 04:27 AM
that's astonishing ... wild west in the shrimp world ...!

he's alive, he's aliiive! :D

08-21-2007, 04:28 AM
Direct links to YouTube don't work here (it's a banned site), but I know Sarah reposted a YouTube clip that didn't require going to the YouTube URL... maybe you could try that? You've got me so curious ;)

Hmmm, I can play the clip from this forum thread just fine. Could it be your settings? Saraah?

08-21-2007, 01:29 PM
In the upper right hand corner of a Youtube video it shows the video address. Copy that and when you make a post, there is a little multicolored film reel icon in the pallete of tools, click on that, paste in the entire url address to the Youtube video, and that should do it.

08-21-2007, 03:57 PM
In the upper right hand corner of a Youtube video it shows the video address. Copy that and when you make a post, there is a little multicolored film reel icon in the pallete of tools, click on that, paste in the entire url address to the Youtube video, and that should do it.

Exactly what I did (you taught me after my first S.O.S. :)). I assume that Ron was able to upload and play the clip right here as I can? Hmmm, we have a mystery. Drats, and I just know Marcia will enjoy this one too...

08-22-2007, 09:38 AM
Exactly what I did (you taught me after my first S.O.S. :)). I assume that Ron was able to upload and play the clip right here as I can? Hmmm, we have a mystery. Drats, and I just know Marcia will enjoy this one too...

Sorry guys, it just won't work here for YouTube. The Thai government has blocked the site. Has nothing to do with my own firewalls, settings, etc. I sometimes lack proficiency in finding my way around software, but this problem is simply insurmountable from a Thai ISP. :(

However, I was able to see one clip Sarah posted (don't remember what it was, but maybe one of the early ones) which didn't require my ISP to access YouTube directly.

Thanks for trying to help me, though. :o

08-22-2007, 03:05 PM
The Thai government has blocked the site.

Wow, that really sucks! Is the Thai government really tough on lots of things? What type of government is it? Do you have any rights?

08-23-2007, 08:19 AM
Direct links to YouTube don't work here ...

Ah, when you said "here," you meant in Thailand, NOT in this thread forum. I was thinking small! LOL
My brother and his wife, engineer-expats in Beijing, can't access blogs so I understand how that (government clamping down on an electronic revolution? :)) can be the case where you are too. Oh well. The pistol shrimp cools his claw and awaits you the next time you happen to find yourself online in another country :)

08-23-2007, 09:55 AM
Wow, that really sucks! Is the Thai government really tough on lots of things? What type of government is it? Do you have any rights?

Actually, they don't block many sites. Other than porn sites (whch they want to prevent youth from accessing) it is only notably YouTube. What happened was that somebody posted a demeaning clip on the subject of Thailand's beloved King, which is illegal. YouTube refused to withdraw it, and so the site was blocked. We can get everything else.

Thais quite sincerely love their King. Since Thai currency carries his portrait, we even have to be respectful of how we handle cash. For example, you cannot stuff a bill in your shoe for safe keeping, and if you visit a strip joint, you cannot stick the bills in the girl's undies. ;)

08-23-2007, 03:00 PM
I really hate governments in general! That sounds like it sucks, but I can't say things are better here in the US. We have a president that can't even speak properly and the only reason he is in office is because his father was.

08-24-2007, 02:20 PM
I really hate governments in general! That sounds like it sucks, but I can't say things are better here in the US. We have a president that can't even speak properly and the only reason he is in office is because his father was.


Having lived in foreign countries for half of my life, and most of them in very "controlling" Asian countries, you are no where near conceiving the restrictions with which the general population lives. (I could tell many stories of the censorship, etc., that existed) To call out all governments, is simply to surrender to anarchy, not an option in any one's book!!! Be careful what you condemn, the replacement is usually far worse! Our lives are lived with compromise and conformity, for there is no such thing as true freedom!!

Boy, did we take a hard turn away from the topic!!!

08-24-2007, 02:50 PM
Be careful what you condemn, the replacement is usually far worse! Our lives are lived with compromise and conformity, for there is no such thing as true freedom!!

Just because there is not something better out there does not mean I have to like what there is!

08-26-2007, 08:41 AM
Our President is in office because on 2 occasions he received more electoral votes than any one else running, It had nothing to do with his father who was only elected once and he wasn't very popular after his term. In any case........I was in Phuket and later Bangkok recently and besides the spectacular diving around Phuket, I was amazed at the Temples and palaces in Bangkok. I particularly liked the Laying down Budda and the Golden Budda temples. But the other thing that struck me were the banners and flags every where of the King. Our guide told us the same thing. that the Thais very much respect and love the King. I look forward to returning to Thailand soon.....even If I can't watch YouTube! ;)

08-26-2007, 11:19 AM
Our President is in office because on 2 occasions he received more electoral votes than any one else running, It had nothing to do with his father who was only elected once and he wasn't very popular after his term. In any case........I was in Phuket and later Bangkok recently and besides the spectacular diving around Phuket, I was amazed at the Temples and palaces in Bangkok. I particularly liked the Laying down Budda and the Golden Budda temples. But the other thing that struck me were the banners and flags every where of the King. Our guide told us the same thing. that the Thais very much respect and love the King. I look forward to returning to Thailand soon.....even If I can't watch YouTube! ;)

Hey "Salty" Dog--When you do return to Thailand, let me know and I can help you plan. Next time you come there will be a new seated Buddha on top of a summit here on Phuket. From there you can see all around the southern part of the island. The reclining Buddha in Bangkok--did you put the little coins in the buckets against the wall behind him for making merit?

08-26-2007, 12:12 PM
Hey "Salty" Dog--When you do return to Thailand, let me know and I can help you plan.

Heeey, as it happens, I (plus 4 non-diver girlfriends) will be in Bangkok for five days next month. What, for you, would be must-sees (it's always better to ask a resident, right? :))

08-27-2007, 07:54 AM
Heeey, as it happens, I (plus 4 non-diver girlfriends) will be in Bangkok for five days next month. What, for you, would be must-sees (it's always better to ask a resident, right? :))

Well, I don't live in Bangkok and only go there when there is no alternative! What I think Bangkok is best at is a transit site on the way to Phuket ;)

If you really are stuck there, you should try to go to the Grand Palace for half a day (wear trousers, shoes that cover your feet, and a shirt that covers your arms). Wat Po is nearby with the gigantic reclining Buddha. And there are the shopping markets.... better PM me with this thread hijack :eek: (Though it's your thread, so I guess you're entitled to hijack it if you like:p )

08-28-2007, 11:38 AM
Oh, is there no relation between pistol shrimps and reclining buddhas? :D

Grand Palace and Wat Po, check. Thanks Marcia, I wouldn't have thought to thoroughly cover my arms, legs, and feet, so you've helped us already!