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View Full Version : Scuba Kitty

01-01-2007, 10:11 AM


01-04-2007, 12:17 AM
Thats bizarre...Cool but bizarre.

I wish my Labradors would dive with me. They make good boat dogs, and love freediving, but refuse to scuba.

Al Mialkovsky
01-04-2007, 04:23 PM
OK that's pretty awesome. I mean I'm a guy so I'm supposed to hate cats but that's one I'd enjoy. What a great SAC rate too.

Wonder if it has as much trouble with dive tables as dogs do?

01-05-2007, 03:26 AM
I first saw this video some time back – and showed it to my cat - about the time of a shuttle landing when my cat became water traumatized. My cat liked to sleep next to the pool, and was sound asleep when the sonic booms of the shuttle rattled the screens and windows, woke her up in a panic, and she tried to run to the house forgetting she was on the far side of the pool. She levitated, aimed for the house, realized her mistake, tried to make a U-turn in midair over the pool, and promptly splashed down in a very un-feline manner. After losing a dangerous amount of flesh in the first rescue attempt, I had to use the pool skimmer on the long pole to get her out of the water about the time she was starting to sink. She tried to hide in the corner of the screened in porch for several hours before she’d let us get near her. Watching the video did nothing to cure her current fear of the water and she no longer sleeps closer than 3’ to the edge of the pool – so I guess she’ll never be my dive buddy.

I could get into have a dog for a dive buddy – probably less likely to scratch you if anything goes wrong.

01-05-2007, 03:36 AM
That was a great story Bill!

Jason Ooi
01-06-2007, 01:47 AM
Cool! Thanks you for your sharing